Wednesday, November 28, 2012

meh! and other stuff

so, weve been beyond broke for more than a month. im pissed, brians pissed, but hes the reason we are beyond broke. keep telling him to stop writing checks, which he KNOWS are going to bounce, which in turn adds 35 dollars for a bounced check fee...he tries to blame it on me, but im not on the account and im not the one who writes bad checks. told him he needs to stop doing that or hes going to get arrested. he took a second job to try to get it straightened out, and i guess i cant put the full blame on him, because one of my neighbors decided to move in with us, and hasnt contributed to the food situation or given dad any money or us any money. 415 a month for food SHOULD last us a month, but now it doesnt and weve had to supplement an extra 300 or more a month for food. pissing me off, because dad told this guy to get a job so he can start paying for stuff, and all he does is either go out with his friends, or hang around the house, irritating me. oh and to top this off, he tells madison shes not allowed to leave the table until all of her dinner is done, WRONG. ive told him more than once that when shes done, shes done, she can get down. even if its a few bites left or if she doesnt like something i wont FORCE her to eat. im fucking tired of people thinking they can tell MY kids they have to eat everything on their plates. they know when theyre full. or if they dont like something. one of my aunts tried that bullshit with mack once, i got in her face about it, and she quit her shit. he doesnt seem to understand. oh and then hes trying to tell madison shes not allowed to have a paci. SHES MY KID, he doesnt have any. i know shes 3, and i know its bad she still has a paci, and i AM trying to get rid of them. but shes stubborn like me. plus it seems were feeding brians best friend every fucking night. dude is NOT small, hes a big guy and like eats ALOT. its not my fault that he eats all his food he buys in a day. i buy stuff that i know that SHOULD last a month, but lately its not because we have all these extra people. oh and i made my very first thanksgiving meal by myself, including the turkey. a 25lb turkey at that, and it should have lasted more than 2 days, but nope, not with this kid and brians best friend, gone in two days. had planned on making turkey stew, couldnt without turkey. oh and usually i buy food for brians best friend, but i couldnt this month because i didnt get the normal 45lbs of meat i normally buy, we usually give him a little bit out of that, so that itll take 20 off what we owe him for the phones. we havent been able to pay him because of being broke as all hell. shit, brians dad is going to rescue christmas yet once again. ya know, im getting tired of leaning on brians dad to pay for christmas for us, we should be able to do it, and you know what, when he gets taxes back, im taking about half of it, and getting the kids their christmas presents for NEXT year with it, plus clothes yeah, thats my PLAN. cant be sure it will work, but thats my plan. called someone out that owes us a lot of money on fb. he didnt like it, oh fucking well, weve tried to get the money we are owed several ways, calling him out was one of our last resorts...and then the dude had the nerve to tell me that hes going to sue us for 1700 and the two verizon phones, k, we PAID for those two phones OUT OF POCKET. second, its not our fault they were shut off, its his, we were paying on the bill, and got it down to 200, they were shut off, not our fault, its his and second, we were ADDED to HIS plan, so therefor, we dont OWE him shit, and verizon has no reason to try to get those phones back. they were ADDED to an already existing plan, and we paid for them ourselves, so no, hes not getting shit out of us. hes just being a fuckface because he got called out, and he didnt like it. oh fucking well. and im not the only one who called him out either. hes been called out by several other people. hes the one whos lost a 32 yr friendship because he doesnt even want to attempt to give us any money. his twin brother is on my side. how bad is it that his OWN TWIN is pissed off at him for pulling this bullshit. yeah. at least his twin is trying to pay us back. he only borrowed 200, and he gives us money here and there. i mean seriously, if you give us 10 dollars or 20 dollars here and there, i wouldnt have had to go to calling him out. i think its hysterical that he said he was at the courthouse when he decided to say he was going to sue us, when he was right out front? fucking idiot. i looked out the window and there he was. stupid fuck. i have more dirt on this dude than he thinks. and i so could get him arrested and make him lose his apt, if i wanted to sink to his childish level, but, im MORE MATURE than that. lmao. what a douche. brian says i dont contribute to the money situation. actually i do. its not much, but i do contribute to it...just cashed out 10 dollars from a survey site i use, plus i have 2 dollars on a card that has my name on it, plus another 2 on another card (cards i either earn money or i spend points to convert into cash on) plus i do consignment with the kids clothes they outgrew. yeah, so therefor i DO make money and i DONT spend it. was told i have 20 dollars hiding in my room, just have to find it. mom told brians best friend to tell me the vicinity of, just to MOVE the object that its hiding in/under/behind...yeah that will be fun, my entertainment center, bestie, youve seen it when you came to my house so you KNOW what it looks like, it has a flat screen tv on top and its NOT easy to move...hmmm...i think that will be saturdays the entertainment center so i can find the, ive done enough bitching...

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